2024’s Top 100 LA Comics to Watch

Hey guys,

It’s me again, Ian Ira Rousso; comedian, podcaster, and lover of all things LA comedy. I have some good news for you. It’s everyone’s favorite time of year!

2023 was one for the books. In May, the WGA West went on strike and for 148 days, TV and film production were at a halt. Even months later, I still worry about the future of network TV. It’s to the point where it keeps me up at night!

Completely unrelated, 2023 was really good to me. I just finished writing a pilot (I have a really good feeling about it!). Other highlights include releasing my debut comedy album Sorry Again and visiting Austin, TX before the album recording. Sure, I got to go up at The Mothership, but I’m more excited about these sweet new cowboy boots I got. Not everyone is onboard with them, but it’s impossible to deny that these boots have made quite the splash!

As you may recall, the last few lists were filled with stupid running jokes. No more of that. I’m done. My sole intent is to showcase LA’s most seasoned comedians every last one of you should know!

Ladies and gentlemen, industry and comedy fans alike, I have the distinct honor of presenting to you 2024’s Top 100 LA Comics to Watch!

Click “begin” to begin.
